Northwest Austin New Construction Homes For Sale

Other Austin areas: Southwest, South Central, South, Southeast, Central, North, East

Call 512-358-4111 to see any of these Northwest Austin listings:


David Weekly, Pulte, KB, Standard Pacific, Milestone, PSW, Meritage and all other new home builders showcase their new homes here!  New Austin homes come standard with things that resale homes cannot offer, such as 1 year "bumper to bumper" coverage, where they will make an appointment with you, on your one year anniversary, to come through and touch up or repair anything that isn't just right.  You also get warranties for the foundation, the roof and major systems (plumbing, electrical) and more.  Additionally, the cost to start the buying process for a new home is usually a fraction of what it would cost on a resale.  Often, you get to make choices on the home you never would on a resale, such as cabinet or counter top colors, styles or choices, flooring too, even paint.  Ask for more information!