78757 Homes For Sale | Allandale, Crestview, Wooten Park Neighborhoods For Sale
Call 512-710-7879 to see any of these listings in 78757:
Allandale neighborhood is everything west of Burnet, east of MoPac, from Anderson down to Koenig lane. Crestview is essentially its eastern neighbor, with Wooten Park capping things off up north. All highly desirable, homes that go under contract in a few days, and friendly neighbors who get out and walk the neighborhood. If central Austin was a heat map, this would be a solid red, like a beacon drawing in the masses.  Crestview and Allandale might be a blue ribbon tie for the most popular central Austin neighborhoods.  This is the essence of central Austin in high demand.
Austin Zip Codes
Use the reference guide below to find neighborhoods of interest
Neighborhood Zip Code Quick Reference:
Downtown = 78701 Â
South Central = 78704
Central Austin = 78703, 78705, 78751, 78756, 78757
Southeast = 78741, 78744, 78747
Southwest Austin = 78735, 78736, 78738, 78739
Northwest Austin = 78731, 78727, 78750, 78759
Northeast Austin = 78721, 78723, 78724
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